[August 19, 2023] Embodying our ethos of communication, collaboration, and celebration Pulaski County Tribe (PCT) proudly unveiled our third mural project, illuminating a sense of pride in the Star City Community Park.
The mural's creation process was community-driven, with local residents voting on the artwork. Community members were given the opportunity to watch the artist, Zach Medler, bring the two-sided mural to life live. The unveiling was accompanied by a public dedication and light picnic.
The Star City Community Park mural is more than just an artwork on display; it serves as a representation of Pulaski County's essence. Through collaboration and creativity, PCT and its partners have enriched the community's spirit. The project's success hinged on a partnership between PCT, the Star City Lions Club, Hoover Construction, and Star City Van Buren Township Trustee Lenora Hoover. Financial support from the Indiana Arts Commission, The Arts Federation, and the National Endowment for the Arts also contributed to the project's success.