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PCT Partner 2022 Spotlight: Alliance Bank

"An attitude of GRATITUDE for the team at Alliance Bank. In addition to being a 2022 Gold PCT Partner, they also offered free community activities at Art in the Park, Summer Celebration, and A Hometown Holiday Celebration. They also contribute to the PCT Welcome Package Project." Brandi Larkin, PCT President & Founder.

We had the opportunity to learn a little more about Alliance Bank, a community bank that has progressively grown and changed since its formation in 1930. Their willingness to support Pulaski County with time, talent, and dollars is a commitment that doesn't go unnoticed. #ittakesatribe #pulaskicountypride #togetherwecandomore

Breyfogle Family & Al Breyfogle quote

Why did you choose to be a Gold Partner for the Pulaski County Tribe in 2022?

It is important for us to invest in our local communities. PCT has a proven track record of engaging the public and highlighting our communities assets.

How do you think organizations such as the Pulaski County Tribe benefit the communities throughout the county?

Promoting all that Pulaski County has to offer, locally and across our region, will build the reputation and awareness of our community. Your events and volunteer recruitment encourage community engagement that drive the local economy and build friendships among neighbors.

Can you share what other Pulaski County organizations you supported in 2022?

Alliance Bank made financial contributions to 35 Pulaski County organizations in 2022, totaling over $16,000. In addition to PCT, our most significant contributions were directed to Panhandle Pathway, Community Wellness Center, Pulaski County 4-H and Fair Board, Junior Achievement, Humanitarian Distribution Center, and Francesville Fall Fest.

Can you share any words of encouragement to get others involved in positively impacting Pulaski County communities?

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead

What is a fun fact about Alliance Bank?

Alliance Bank was created through the merger of two small community banks, Peoples State Bank and State Bank of Oxford, in 2005. We are still a locally-owned community bank that prides itself on relationships, but the partnership has enabled us to grow and remain competitive in our region.

What is a fun fact about an Alliance Bank leader?

Our President Shane Pilarski started her career as a Math Teacher at South Newton. She took a temporary job at the Bank while waiting on a teaching position to open closer to home....21 years later she is still here! We're thankful Shane decided to stick with banking; her knowledge and leadership have helped us grow through many challenges in the world.

What are things you would encourage residents and visitors of Pulaski County to do?

We are deeply committed to our community and encourage everyone to be actively engaged. Every time you volunteer with a non-profit, shop in a local business, or attend a community event you are making an impact on the future of Pulaski County.

What is the mission of Alliance Bank?

  • Provide Solutions to our Clients

  • Invest in our Communities

  • Reward our Shareholders

  • Offer Opportunities for our Team

What products and services does Alliance Bank offer?

We are a full-service financial institution, offering competitive products and services to local families, farmers, and business owners. We pride ourselves on personal relationships, but offer Digital Banking tools to meet our clients wherever they are.

How can people learn more about Alliance Bank and the products and services you offer?

Stop in our local offices in Francesville or Winamac, visit us online at or follow us on Social Media.

Please join PCT in thanking Alliance Bank for being a true community partner for Pulaski County!

Pulaski County Tribe's mission is to communicate, collaborate, and celebrate among all communities in Pulaski County for the greater good of residents and guests. Our vision is to serve as a channel that brings together organizations, businesses, and residents to positively impact communities in Pulaski County.


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