A variety of Pulaski County organizations, businesses, and government agencies interested in the possibilities of community collaboration gathered on Tuesday evening, May 24th.
The event was facilitated by Pulaski County Tribe (PCT) in an effort to connect those with similar initiatives, efforts, and interests. We strongly believe in the power of collaboration and communication, which was the driving force behind this connection opportunity. Attendees were encouraged to listen with an open mind and leave with at least one action to spur ongoing conversations.
The agenda included:
Results of a Pulaski County Strengths and Needs Assessment
A review of free resources PCT has available to support your organizations and businesses.
Gaining an understanding of key initiatives of various local businesses and organizations.
Networking with others and identify opportunities for collaboration.
PCT recently circulated a Strengths & Needs Assessment to measure progress in key areas of organizational focus and help to prioritize future efforts. This information could have value for others, so it was shared during the event. Feedback was requested on a scale of strongly agree to strongly disagree scale on the following statements:
Pulaski County events are well communicated to the general public.
Organizations and businesses in Pulaski County collaborate with one another effectively.
Pulaski County organizations and businesses actively and purposely welcome new residents and visitors.
Economic progress has been made in Pulaski County in 2022.
There is a sufficient amount of retail business in Pulaski County.
There is a sufficient amount of indoor recreational activities in Pulaski County.
There is a sufficient amount of outdoor recreational activities in Pulaski County.
PCT shared opportunities for attendees to create awareness, available free of charge:
A supplemental resource to list community events.
An opportunity to create awareness for new residents of Pulaski County through participation in welcome packages
A database of businesses, organizations, independent consultants, artisans, and crafters throughout Pulaski County. It will be published on the PCT website and serve as a resource to create awareness and a reference piece for collaboration.
An opportunity for Pulaski County businesses or services to participate in an event with opportunities for residents and guests to enjoy Pulaski County on the 2nd Saturday each month, online and in-person.
Pulaski County Volunteers Facebook Group
A group to share Pulaski County volunteer needs and opportunities to create awareness to the general public about opportunities to get involved.
Prior to the event, those who had registered provided a description of their business or organization, contact information, public events, activities, and efforts planned for the remainder of 2022, volunteer opportunities and needs, and interest in participating in volunteering. This information was shared with each of the attendees and used to guide the networking conversations.
PCT President, Brandi Larkin, encouraged those present to consider the following when reviewing the shared details.
Are there volunteer efforts your business or organization is able to help with?
Do you offer a product or service for which you could provide a quote for an upcoming activity or event?
If you provide food, perhaps you could offer a quote for catering.
If there’s an upcoming public event that has vendor opportunities, your business or service could ask for a registration form if you want to promote your product or service.
Is there an opportunity to hold events on the same day to provide additional opportunities to attract attendees?
Do you have a service or resource you can offer to a new business or business expansion, such as insurance or a loan?
Do you offer a product or service that could be complementary to another?
Perhaps you could collaborate on a cross-promotion.
Perhaps you can create a special package.
Perhaps you could share space at an upcoming vendor event or request to be next to one another.
Additionally, attendees had the chance to introduce themselves and share additional details about their business or organization and let the group know key things they are interested in learning more about. Topics shared included volunteer opportunities, mental health resources, new community initiatives, and creative marketing ideas.
"Where time and distance may separate us, I think there was an overall sincere feeling of connection."
Tree Committee and PCT Representative Don Darda, had this to say about the event. “Where time and distance may separate us, I think there was an overall sincere feeling of connection.”

The group closed the event out by enjoying a few snacks while connecting and collaborating. There was consensus that such activities should continue and even extend an invitation for a collaboration-focused networking opportunity to neighboring counties, so you can look for more opportunities to connect in the future.
We hope this event created connections and allowed participants to be informed and involved. PCT believes together we can do more!