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Pulaski County 2nd Saturday Spotlight: VFW Post 1728

Organizations that put their members and community at the top of their priorities are of tremendous value to communities and those they serve. VFW: Post 1728 in Winamac does just that!

In our series highlighting Pulaski County 2nd Saturday participants, we had the opportunity to connect with the VFW and learn a little more about them.

How long has VFW: Post 1728 been operating in Pulaski County?

Pfost-Jones Post 1728 was chartered in the 1940s. The name of the post, “Pfost-Jones,” is derived from two local Pulaski County veterans who died in service. Pfost was from WWI and David Jones in WWII.

How was VFW: Post 1728 established?

As a not-for-profit, the business is "owned" by the membership. The land was purchased by "members" and the building was funded by and built by members through fundraising activities.

What is a fun fact about VFW: Post 1728?

The first VFW: 1728 building was located in an old gas station across from the current town park (pictured below).

Can you share a few ways VFW: Post 1728 supports Pulaski County?

We have a fish fry twice a month from September thru April. The second fish fry of every month is donated to a local not-for-profit.

Some people don’t know this, but the post, and the auxiliary, both sponsor a scholarship for a Winamac high school senior going to college.

We also have a dedicated Honor Guard that does honors for deceased veterans, regardless of whether they are a post member, or not. The Honor Guard also supports community events throughout the year.

Post member, Greg Henry, initiated “Flags Across the County.” Every May, prior to Memorial Day, flags are placed at veteran gravesites throughout the county.

The VFW also gives assistance to families in need.

The mission of the VFW is to foster camaraderie among veterans of overseas conflicts. To serve our veterans, their families, and our community. To advocate on behalf of all veterans.

Can you please share a few things your organization appreciates or enjoys about Pulaski County?

The Pulaski community is so supportive. When someone is in need, the people of Pulaski County are there!! Also, the Tippecanoe River is a gem, as well as the Pan Handle Trail.

What are some things you would encourage residents and visitors of Pulaski County to do?

Support your local organizations, businesses, and not-for-profit organizations – either as a customer or as a volunteer.

How do you think organizations such as the Pulaski County Tribe benefit the communities throughout the county?

You help us help ourselves. The Tribe has members with talents that can be shared, or used, to help small businesses, and not-for-profits. It helps make the county more desirable by collaborating and making people aware of the different events going on in the community.

Have you noticed any major improvements taking place in the community in the last year or two?

The road down to the Artisan Well – nice! That section of the park is so beautiful!

Can you tell us 1-2 things you would like to see improved for our community?

More events that use, or highlight, the Panhandle Pathway. Also, there has been a lot of focus on Winamac’s amazing Town Park! Maybe an improvement, or expansion, to the dog park would be a good idea. There are a lot of dog lovers in the county! It could attract people from other counties if we made it even better!

Can you share any words of encouragement to get others involved in positively impacting our community?

It’s too easy to turn to negativity or to point out the problems. Keep a positive attitude, and be a part of the solution! Support your local businesses and community events by simply attending, or volunteering.

To stay up-to-date on what events are happening at the VFW, follow their Facebook page:

A big thanks to the VFW: Post 1728 for their participation in Pulaski County 2nd Saturday and for taking the time to answer a few questions.

Pulaski County Tribe's mission is to communicate, collaborate, and celebrate among all communities in Pulaski County for the greater good of residents and guests. Our vision is to serve as a channel that brings together organizations, businesses, and residents to positively impact communities in Pulaski County.

Pulaski County 2ND Saturday is a way to highlight the services, products, offers and activities of participating businesses, organizations, independent consultants, crafters, and artisans throughout Pulaski County.

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