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Stay & Play in Pulaski County
Celebrating Community & Supporting Positive Projects #ittakesatribe More than a hashtag. So much more than a tagline. Pulaski County...

Bingo, Bites & Autumn Delights Event Highlights Community Support
PCT's annual fundraiser was not just about raising funds; it was a celebration of community spirit and a testament to the incredible things

Park Enhancements Enjoyed
A picturesque space receives a refresh and serves as a place to foster community and well-being.

PCT Partner 2022 Spotlight: Alliance Bank
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." -MM

Summer Celebration 2022
Rain and shine, the community had a good time! The clouds and rain did not stop community members from enjoying a fun-filled community event

A Heartfelt Hometown Holiday Celebration for All
On Sunday, November 21st, a crowd of over 300 people gathered to embrace the pace and smiling faces of Pulaski County as they celebrated the

W.P. Crane & Family New Residents in Medaryville, IN
When you combine civic leaders, community member interests, and creativity the result is a momentum that positively impacts the quality...
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